2 min read

Who's Ready for Winter?

Who's Ready for Winter?

2024 Clinics and Trips

We've all been very patient and it's getting close. Soon the Sun God Ra will retreat to his cave in the sky. Ski movies are going to start coming out, shops are getting stocked with new boards, and it's time to start plotting out the season: hut trip this February to crush some pow? Maybe some steep skiing in Chamonix or an expedition up north?

No matter what your winter plans are, now's the time to nail down the training to get all dialled. The Zenith Guide 2024/2025 trips and clinics are online now. We've got a sweet lineup of refresher courses for rope work and avalanche rescue, plus our two-day ski mountaineering clinic. Clinics fill up quick so get registered asap!

Here's some highlights...

Avalanche Rescue Clinic

We all say we're going to practice a real scenario. We say we'll hit the beacon park. Heck we say we'll do a quick review in the backyard in the offseason. But it rarely happens. Commit now - we'll get a full day of beacon and avalanche rescue training in the early season when you won't have FOMO about missing good skiing. Bring your partners so you can train together. When the real deal happens, you want to know you can trust the person at your side!

  • One Day
  • Lots of Practice!
  • $180

Pro Lines: Advanced Decision-Making for Big Mountain Skiing

The big exciting one for us this season is our four-day "Pro Lines" clinic. This is the culmination of all the work we've done on these courses and it takes concepts and lessons from Evan's work as a ski guide instructor for the ACMG as well as Eric's experience as a professional athlete. The goal is to translate the professional level decision making process to the advanced recreational skier.

  • Four Days (December or end of February)
  • Small Group
  • $1,499

We've also got a few rad trips on the docket if you'd prefer to simply go skiing. Selkirk Lodge in January is going to be an alpine pow-fest and there's two seats left. Our Spring basecamp adventure is going to be Coastal ski mountaineering at its finest. Check it all out on our website at the link below!

Don't forget that you can always reach out about a custom trip as well. If you want to ski it, we can make it happen!

Notes from Argentina

Also - we haven't forgotten that this is a conditions newsletter. Click the next link and read the dispatch from our Zenith crew, led by Brian Burger, that just spent two weeks cruising around the Bariloche backcountry. If that doesn't get you frothing, we don't know what will!

Sea to Sky snow conditions reports will begin the MOMENT we have enough snow to slide. Don't worry - we're watching!